Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day One - Arrived in Gatwick

David arrived at Gatwick airport this morning at 6:50am (UK time) - after 13 hours of traveling. He was impressed with the size of the airport - which included a lot of walking! But the Lord provided a couple who were sitting across the aisle from him on the plane and they directed him to where he needed to go. It was 8:30am by the time he got his luggage and went through customs (the passport line was very long, but he made it through without any issues). 

Even though the hotel wasn't too far away, being unfamiliar with the area, he hailed a taxi and got to experience driving on the "wrong" side of the road, which he said is very strange.

Being so early, David wasn't sure if he would be able to get into his room (the hotel check-in time was 2:00pm). Thankfully, the Holiday Inn had one room that was clean and ready. 

The hotel also has the option of a buffet breakfast. 

Wanting to see the area, he starting walking through the streets, enjoying the greenery and quaint homes (and cooler temperatures!). 

About this time, David noticed a police car circle around and the officer seemed to be watching him. Then the officer approached him wanting to know why he was taking pictures of houses. David quickly explained that he just arrived from America and was taking pictures to show his family and friends back home. Next David was asked for his passport (which he had with him) and the officer called him in to make sure his story was legitimate. In the end, all was well. David said the officer was really nice. He was just thankful that he wasn't going to be spending his first night in a UK jail. And that was the end of our roving photographer. He decided to head back to the hotel and get some sleep. 

He was able to sleep until 19:00 hours (7:00pm - the clock in the room uses military time). 

In all it was a good day, all the flights went well with no turbulence. He was able to meet some great people on his flights and was thankful to get into his hotel so he could rest.

Prayer requests:

  • For a good rest and the ability to quickly adjust to the time difference. 
  • David needs to call to have his train ticket switched to the right destination for Saturday. Pray that he is able to get this resolved so he won't have to buy another ticket. 
  • Also that the Lord will continue to direct and guard his heart, for His glory.

What is it?

And no it's not a mini-refrigerator. It's David's latest gadget! A trouser press. You simply place your jeans or shirts in the machine and... Voila! It steams your garments. A perfect touch to make him feel right at home!

Until tomorrow!


  1. Glad you made it there safely! Your pictures are beautiful. The area looks peaceful and I love the trouser press!

  2. I'm so glad you made it David.
    We all Love you and miss you.
