Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Update from David

It 's hard to believe it is already the 6th of October! We talked to David and he is doing well. He recovered from his cold and is enjoying his classes. Paul was one of the guest speakers this week. He is from Walk Through the Bible. In his sessions, students learned hand motions to remember key concepts from God's Word. This week they went through the Old Testament. Paul will return in November to teach through the New Testament. David really enjoyed his teaching style.

It has been unusually warm there, around 93 degrees (and no air conditioning), David wishes he brought shorts. But it should be getting cooler soon. Although it is probably good that he didn't bring his whole closet. He did his laundry the other day which cost $9.00 US money. I don't know about David, but I think I would take a bar of soap and find a lake!

This week he will take part in outreach. He had to choose three out of twelve options. He signed up for packing missionary boxes, elderly care (visiting and playing games with them), and helping in the soup kitchen for the homeless. He is excited about the opportunities. We'll have to wait and see what area he is placed into.

His responsibility on campus is to clean the guest speakers room. He has to clean the shower, toilet, refrigerator, restock tea, vacuum, etc.

On November 7th, David and the other student from AZ will be doing the Bible study for their interactive group. They have to choose an object to teach about and have verses that tie into their message.

Hopefully we'll have some pictures from David's hike soon. The last time he sent pictures, it took half an hour to send them.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pictures of Capernwray

We just talked to David this morning. He is enjoying his classes. Today they took a 4 mile hike in the Lake District. He couldn't fully enjoy it though, because he (and most of his classmates) have come down with a cold. By the time we talked to him, he was quite exhausted from the six hour hiking excursion. 

In the week that he's been there, he has met a lot of new friends. Most of the students attending this year are from Canada. There are only four students from England, several from Germany, and some from the USA. Two of his roommates are from Canada and the other one is from Colorado. There are around 180 students altogether. 

Prayer Requests... 

  • That everyone recovers from the sickness quickly. 
  • And that David continues to grow closer to the Lord. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Arrived at Capernwray!

David made it! He said that the trains were crazy but he made it there safely. He ended up getting placed in a room of four - which is the smallest room they have.

Gatwick Train Station

Final Stop - Carnforth Train Station

Friday, September 23, 2011

Postcard from David - 9/23/11

Click to view larger

Day Two - Life at the Hotel

We just got done talking to David a little while ago and he said he is still really tired but he slept well last night. Thank you for your prayers with the train ticket. After a lengthy telephone conversation, David was able to switch his ticket to the right destination - it was about a 30 pound difference, but at least he didn't have to buy a new ticket.

One thing that has been hard to adjust to, is the difference with the English language. He said it is strange to hear people speaking English but not have a clue what they are saying. It makes you feel like an outsider. 

Today passed by slowly because there isn't any tourist activities near the hotel. But there was a little burst of excitement! David was in his room when the fire alarm went off. He didn't think anything about it at first. But as it was going off for close to two minutes, he decided to put on his shoes and investigate. He didn't want to be the "dumb American" who was stuck in his room. It turns out that as he went into the hall, the people in the room next door were just coming out of their room too (they were also Americans). The wife called the desk and found out that they were just testing the alarm system!
At least David knows that the Police and Fire Departments are doing their jobs well!

Prayer Requests:

  • Tomorrow when David takes the train to Carnforth he has to switch three trains. Pray for peace and alertness as he makes the changes. 
  • Also David asked if you would pray for those he will sharing a room with this year. He is also hoping to get a smaller room with less people but knows that if he gets placed in a larger one, God has a plan and a purpose for it.

Power Convertor 

Electrical Outlet

David was amazed by the small light switches.

David's water system. There aren't any stores nearby so David
has been heating up water in the teapot to have water to drink.

The workstation


    Fun Fact Friday!

    Each Friday we thought we would include different fun facts about England, Capernwray, and other bits of trivia.

    Today we thought we would compare some of the differences between American English and British English. Now when you write David you can throw in a few of these phrases.

    Click to view larger

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Day One - Arrived in Gatwick

    David arrived at Gatwick airport this morning at 6:50am (UK time) - after 13 hours of traveling. He was impressed with the size of the airport - which included a lot of walking! But the Lord provided a couple who were sitting across the aisle from him on the plane and they directed him to where he needed to go. It was 8:30am by the time he got his luggage and went through customs (the passport line was very long, but he made it through without any issues). 

    Even though the hotel wasn't too far away, being unfamiliar with the area, he hailed a taxi and got to experience driving on the "wrong" side of the road, which he said is very strange.

    Being so early, David wasn't sure if he would be able to get into his room (the hotel check-in time was 2:00pm). Thankfully, the Holiday Inn had one room that was clean and ready. 

    The hotel also has the option of a buffet breakfast. 

    Wanting to see the area, he starting walking through the streets, enjoying the greenery and quaint homes (and cooler temperatures!). 

    About this time, David noticed a police car circle around and the officer seemed to be watching him. Then the officer approached him wanting to know why he was taking pictures of houses. David quickly explained that he just arrived from America and was taking pictures to show his family and friends back home. Next David was asked for his passport (which he had with him) and the officer called him in to make sure his story was legitimate. In the end, all was well. David said the officer was really nice. He was just thankful that he wasn't going to be spending his first night in a UK jail. And that was the end of our roving photographer. He decided to head back to the hotel and get some sleep. 

    He was able to sleep until 19:00 hours (7:00pm - the clock in the room uses military time). 

    In all it was a good day, all the flights went well with no turbulence. He was able to meet some great people on his flights and was thankful to get into his hotel so he could rest.

    Prayer requests:

    • For a good rest and the ability to quickly adjust to the time difference. 
    • David needs to call to have his train ticket switched to the right destination for Saturday. Pray that he is able to get this resolved so he won't have to buy another ticket. 
    • Also that the Lord will continue to direct and guard his heart, for His glory.

    What is it?

    And no it's not a mini-refrigerator. It's David's latest gadget! A trouser press. You simply place your jeans or shirts in the machine and... Voila! It steams your garments. A perfect touch to make him feel right at home!

    Until tomorrow!

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Postcard From David - 9/21/11

    click to view larger

    The Adventure Begins

    Today is the day! Destination: England! 

    Picture of Capernwray Hall

    9:30pm Tuesday - Final Check 
    Expert packing done by MA Dyess
    Nine months packed into two suitcases and a briefcase. Weighed the checked bag (after adding a few extra items) only to discover that it was just over fifty pounds! With a little repacking and an overstuffed briefcase, he was ready to go.

    6:30am Wednesday - Bags packed and ready to go

    Bright and Cheery at 6am!

    6:50am Wednesday - Loading Car

    Fifty pounds is a little heavy
    at 6 in the morning!

    Off to the airport

    7:20am Wednesday - Phoenix Sky Harbor International

    The world traveler

    Curbside check-in was a success!
     Completed in five minutes.
    Definitely worth the $2 service fee!
    The line inside was very long.

    "I'm going through security now"
    in other words... My smile is worn out!

    7:30am Wednesday - Saying Goodbye

    7:40am Wednesday - And off he goes...

    Stay tune for further updates! 

    "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in His way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand." Psalm 37:23-24